The steps to your beautiful mural
I will try and explain the process in as simple form as possible on just how easy it is to receive your Mural or Canvas Painting.
First contact...
First of all you need to make that all important phone call or Email. Then we can talk at length through a telephone conversation or email messages about your vision, ideas and budget.
An Email conversation could be the best option as pictures can be sent via Email of the wall or room involved. Hopefully this will eliminate the extra costs of travelling to your location for a consultation, after all we have the technology, let us use it!
On the rare occasion where a site visit consultation is absolutely necessary I would expect my travel expense to be paid, nothing more.
My designs...
I will then arrange a date to get back in touch with you with a variety of inspirational sketches and concept designs based on our initial discussion. The complexity of the designs will be based on your budget and wall/room size.
Now, hopefully we are at a stage where you are happy with a finalised small scale version of the design that I have presented to you and we can arrange a time for me to arrive at your location to produce the painting... and the rest is magic!
The time of project...
At the point of presenting the final design choice to you I will have a good estimation of how long the project will take to complete, I like to think I could complete an average size wall in 5 to 6 days, but again this estimation could vary to a huge degree from project to project due to varying levels of the pictures complexity.
The price...
My price estimate will be factored on how long I think the project will take, which I will make clear to you before I start, If I exceed time frame I have estimated then I will cover the rest of the project at my own expense. I will charge a price for travel expenses to and from your location but this will be discussed at the early stages of contact.
When it comes to the project I will secure the area with polythene and cotton decorators sheets and "crack on" with the painting. I use a large 1200mm ruler to grid areas of the wall to re-create my designs at a perfectly scaled level. Some murals may not need a scale grid but I always like to use a grid for a character, animal or person.
Work hours and breaks...
I do not have a designated 30 minutes to a 1 hour lunch break when I am on location, I tend to grab a bite to eat when I get a spare moment! I think this philosophy was installed into me as a teenager working at a busy farm during harvest season for 17+hours a day. It was a case of grab a bit of food while you get chance and back to work.
My work hours will obviously depend on the situation at hand but I will say that I like to get stuck in and work as much as possible. So, I can sometimes work very long hours dependant on situation of course I am always willing to work weekends when applicable.
I will be expecting a deposit up front as I start your project, which will be discussed based on the estimated length of the project. A rough estimate would be 30% of the final total.
Obviously any given situation is it's own, but payment will be discussed in detail before the work commences.
Final thoughts
I am a one man business which is in its early stages and I am starting out small with personalised Mural and Canvas Paintings, maybe in the future I will expand.
Remember, if what you desire is not mentioned on my website then please contact me and I would love to discuss any ideas in further detail.
Thank You!
PS - I look forward to speaking with you!